Study: EHR software tapped to lower bloodstream infections among children

EHR software has been tapped to enhance patient care in a children's hospital.

EHR software has been tapped to enhance patient care in a children's hospital.

As beneficial as chiropractic EHR may be in combating back pain mismanagement and streamlining workflow for practices across the country, it's clear that the widespread adoption of EHR software stands to enhance patient care across other treatment areas too. Previously on this blog, we reported that EHR software could be used to identify larger health care trends and may shed light on complex conditions such as multiple sclerosis. Now, researchers from Lucile Packard Children's Hospital in California have provided yet another example of this application.

According to a study abstract from the journal Pediatrics, the researchers posited that an EHR-enhanced checklist could counter rates of central line-associated bloodstream infections (CLABSI) among children by bolstering compliance to treatment guidelines for catheter use, dressing changes and other aspects of treatment. They ultimately found that implementing the checklist was linked to increased adherence to these rules and a lower rate of related bloodstream infections overall.

"Use of an electronic medical record–enhanced CLABSI prevention checklist coupled with a unit-wide real-time display of adherence was associated with increased compliance with evidence-based catheter care and sustained decrease in CLABSI rates," the source states. "These data underscore the potential for computerized interventions to promote compliance with proven best practices and prevent patient harm."

When implemented effectively, chiropractic EHR software has the potential to benefit practices on a micro and macro level, increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of daily tasks in ways that boost patient care. In order to make the most of these capabilities, you must invest in the best chiropractic EMR for your practice. This means analyzing the needs of your staff and taking into account interface options, technical support and training.

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