The value of EMR to health care and chiropractic practices

Chiropractic EMR software can help improve the value of health care for both practitioners and patients.

Chiropractic EMR software can help improve the value of health care for both practitioners and patients.

As the Harvard Business Review (HBR) writes, health care today is often defined and marketed using a lot of terms that could devolve to nothing more than buzz worlds if not leveraged properly, like "managed care" or "quality." These phrases could distract both practitioners and patients from the real methods and goals that health care can offer. To that end, the HBR puts forth a new word that may carry a little more weight for both parties—value.

The idea behind value is an intuitive one. Put simply, by emphasizing more patient-centric health outcomes, medical practitioners can deliver the results that patients are looking for out of their health care while doing so within reasonable financial limitations for both. In other words, giving patients more bang for their buck.

This is where comprehensive online services like chiropractic EMR factor in. By accumulating data of patients and their conditions, over time and across the country, chiropractors and other practitioners will always have a reliable online database to fall back on in order to treat patients with more pinpoint and accurate care.

"Widely adopted, the concept of value would provide a north star toward which health care providers could navigate," HBR authors David Blumenthal and Kristof Stremikis write. "Its emphasis on the whole patient and comprehensively measured costs would encourage teamwork among clinicians and coordination of care across specialties, clinical units and health care organizations."

Results can be further improved by partnering with proven vendors of chiropractic EMR software that also provide training. This will help mitigate human error, reduce costly mistakes and improve the accuracy of online records. 

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