It was only until a few short weeks ago that October 2014 was viewed as a major turning point for the healthcare industry, set as the original implementation deadline for not only ICD-10 but Stage 2 of Meaningful Use as well. Last month, Congress and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) surprised everyone by delaying ICD-10 for another year.
While this created some consternation among many providers and payers, it took some of the pressure off for those worried about rushing through both ICD-10 and Meaningful Use adoption by October. But CMS may now be taking the urgency out of that schedule completely, with new reports suggesting that the federal agency is looking into revising its Meaningful Use timetable as well.
According to the online news source iHealthBeat, CMS recently proposed a new rule that would delay Stage 2 for chiropractic EHR by another year. The decision was made in response to industry criticisms of needing more flexibility and more time in incorporating Stage 2 upgrades and certifications into clinic EHR systems.
"By extending Stage 2, we are being receptive to stakeholder feedback to ensure providers can continue to meet meaningful use and keep momentum moving forward," said Marilyn Tavenner, CMS Administrator, in an official statement.
The new rule revision would provide the option of using either 2011 chiropractic EHR software or a mix of 2011 and 2014 editions for this year's reporting period.
While the CMS' latest proposal may grant practices some additional breathing room in adopting Meaningful Use standards, the fact remains that, sooner or later, practitioners will need to make the jump to Stage 2. When that time comes, make sure to only invest in the best chiropractic EHR software, guaranteeing compliance without any disruptions your day-to-day workflow.