Investing into EHR and Meaningful Use now will pay off in the long run.
As the year winds down into the last third of 2014, more clinics and practices around the country are likely feeling the pressure of not only upgrading their chiropractic EHR software to meet ICD-10 requirements, but also complying with Meaningful Use (MU) Stage 2. This initiative ensures that healthcare providers are fully up-to-date on their digital recordkeeping needs, which not only means streamlined administrative duties and more readily accessible medical records, but also helps drastically improve patient care and reduce associated costs.
While many clinics and hospitals may continue to put off MU Stage 2 reporting — whether out of ambivalence, skepticism toward the program or simply being too busy with their own needs plus the similarly approaching ICD-10 deadline — the fact is, investing into MU compliance now will guarantee improved results for practitioners and patients alike in the long run. That's the message that Tamra Deming, Clinical Informatics Specialist for New Hampshire's Cottage Hospital, had to keep getting across in order to update her hospital's EHR needs.
"Whenever I have tried to teach anything to a provider and get it to stick, I always have to bring it back to their patients and the benefit they're providing for them," Deming tells EHR Intelligence. "If I am there in front of them, I'll remind them they're doing medical reconciliation because it's the safest step for your patient to make sure they're on everything they should rather than say you need to do med-rec's because meaningful use tells us to."
Purchase the right chiropractic documentation software now to help ensure better recordkeeping and patient care for the future.