Clinical Care Document (CCD)
The Clinical Care Document is a standard that allows health care providers to exchange patient information in a standardized format. The CCD allows providers to share information such as the patient’s problem list, medication list, allergy list, and lab results. This functionality will support the meaningful use requirements of exchanging clinical information, providing clinical summaries to patients, and providing a copy of a patient’s health information to the patient or to another provider.
Clinical Quality Measures
BackChart™ COS can now calculate the following Clinical Quality Measures:
- NQF 0013: Hypertension: Blood Pressure Measurement
- NQF 0018: Controlling High Blood Pressure
- NQF 0024: Youth Weight Assessment
- NQF 0027: Tobacco Use Cessation
- NQF 0028: Preventive Care: Tobacco Use Assessment and Cessation
- NQF 0038: Childhood Immunization Status
- NQF 0041: Influenza Immunization
- NQF 0052: Use of Imaging Study: Low Back Pain
- NQF 0421: Adult Weight Screening
Meaningful Use Report
BackChart™ COS now contains the first version of the Meaningful Use report. This report will show a Eligible Provider’s compliance with each of the Meaningful Use requirements allowing the EP to track their usage level throughout their reporting period.
Patient Reminders
Users can now add reminders to a patient’s chart. For example a reminder to call the patient for a follow up visit can be added. When the reminders report is run, BackChart™ COS provides a list of all the patients who need to be called for a follow up visit.
No Meds, Allergies, Problems
A check box has been added to the top of the problem list, medication list, and allergy list. This checkbox allows you to specify that a patient has no problems, medications, or known allergies.