In the 2012 Bank of America small business study, 87% of business owners agreed that word of mouth was the most important marketing tool for their business. It can take a lot of hard work to become an organization that people want to talk about. As you continue to develop excellent services, you can be strategic in your communication to encourage your present clients to be advocates.
Your first focus should always be the relationship with your patients. People live in a world where they are used to getting an impersonal automated message. It is important to make sure that they feel a real human connection. While communicating, you need to be sensitive to the line between being a friend and not crossing the doctor patient boundary. Try some simple things like learning their name and using it a few times during a visit. Dale Carnegie, one of the most successful businessmen of all time, said “someone’s name is the sweetest sound to them.” Make a point of laughing too because a happy appointment will be the highlight of their day, which will likely be mentioned in future interactions.
Going the extra mile to explain to them what their treatment is and how it is helping them, will be time well spent. They will recognize that you are the expert. Unless they have a medical background and have visited multiple chiropractors they will not know what defines good care. Communicating in a way they understand will help them feel like they are getting the attention they deserve. By educating them, they will be better equipped to tell their friends what a chiropractor can do for them! Be careful not to overdo the communication because being hit by a wave of medical facts in Latin could just be annoying.
Sometimes all it takes is a little encouragement to turn a patient’s complement into great advertising. So when someone says “you did wonders for my back!” ask them to write a review on something like Google maps or Facebook so that thousands of potential customers can see it. It may help to leave a computer out as they will be more likely to follow through if you are watching. If they need some prompting, tell them that it keeps their treatment cheap by reducing advertising costs! It can also help to keep an eye out for natural networkers like financial advisers who are likely to share a good experience with their clients.
Word of mouth has potential for huge positive influence on the success of your business whether you like it or not. By communicating well with your patients, personalized care and listening to their needs they will feel valued and have a sense of tangible results. Then they will keep coming back and recommend you to their friends and family!