Health IT Fellows to provide meaningful use support for chiropractic EHR

The ONC's Health IT Fellows will provide chiropractic EHR support.

The ONC's Health IT Fellows will provide chiropractic EHR support.

Though the benefits of adopting chiropractic EHR in your practice are ample, transitioning to these digitized documents can prove challenging when you don't have the support you need. The impending onset of meaningful use stage 2 has also put an added pressure on medical professionals who may be struggling to come to grips with overly complex interfaces. In fact, some health care facilities have encountered such difficulties with EHR implementation that Congress has held hearings regarding the state of meaning​ful use and whether these professionals need more time to get their affairs in order before facing a new wave of regulations.

Proponents of meaningful use stage 2, including National Coordinator for Health IT Farzad Mostashari, have argued that delaying this step would jeopardize the progress that has been made so far with EHR. In a bid to address the concerns voiced by the American Medical Association and various legislators, the Office of the National Coordinator (ONC) has announced a team of Health IT Fellows who have been trained to provide additional support to medical practitioners with meaningful use stage 2 qualification.

"One of the goals of the program is to use the Fellows as guinea pigs to test the clarity, effectiveness, and helpfulness of ONC communications as meaningful use ramps up and EHR interoperability takes on greater importance to healthcare professionals," EHR Intelligence reports.

The Fellows include 28 medical practitioners and administrative staff from a variety of clinical backgrounds who have enjoyed particular success with EHR implementation, and may therefore be able to relate to the unique concerns expressed by health care professionals across the country.

Of course, while this program may offer much-needed guidance for chiropractors who are coming to grips with meaningful use stage 2, nothing can take the place of a chiropractic software provider that shows a commitment to your success in the form of comprehensive training and ongoing support.

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