In your quest to follow meaningful use guidelines, don’t overlook security

Secure your data with the right chiropractic EHR.

Secure your data with the right chiropractic EHR.

While the meaningful use program provides an incredible opportunity for physicians to improve their practices and the U.S. healthcare system as a whole, it's undeniable that the documentation requirements set by this incentive-based initiative have given some medical practitioners cause for concern. In fact, various experts in the field have even voiced opposition to the onset of meaningful use stage 2, arguing that it will only add to the current confusion.

However, as Dr. Farzad Mostashari, former National Director of Health IT, rebutted before a professional hearing, stalling this process could have negative ramifications for the progress being made in health IT. As we reported on this blog, in his first address since stepping down, he even encouraged medical practitioners not to bank on the fact that any delays will be enacted.

As you do go forward with your preparations for stage 2, though, there is an important factor to consider: patient security. Health IT Security recently cited this concern, noting that it may prove all too easy to fixate on documentation and auditing requirements, and that this goal may lead to worrisome oversights.

"With a risk assessment, evaluation of controls and a security framework, while I'm laser-focused on meaningful use requirements, I need to make sure I'm not ignoring other parts of the organization" David Sheidlower, CISO of Health Quest, told the source in an interview.

Ultimately, the point of the meaningful use program is to improve the care each patient receives, and that includes their right to privacy. One means by which you can ensure you are up to code with meaningful use stage 2 and ensuring the safety of your digital files is to select chiropractic EHR software that accomplishes both of these goals. By choosing the best chiropractic EHR, you won't have to fixate as closely on minute aspects of federal law, but can instead look toward big picture changes that this software can bring.

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